Психолог, гештальт терапевт та психологічний консультант.
The Importance of Understanding Emotions and Feelings

Understanding your emotions and feelings is crucial for mental health and overall well-being. When a person becomes aware of their emotions, they can better understand why they react to certain situations in specific ways. This awareness enables more conscious decision-making, helps avoid conflicts, and supports healthy relationships with others.  The inability to recognize or express […]

From Defense to the Fulfillment of Needs

Gestalt therapy offers a deep exploration of various psychological barriers and defense mechanisms that can prevent individuals from recognizing and fulfilling their true needs. These barriers include confluence, projection, introjection, retroflection, proflection, and egotism. Let’s examine how each of these mechanisms is overcome during therapy. Confluence Confluence occurs when a person cannot distinguish their feelings, […]

Changes in a Person During Psychotherapy

Gestalt therapy is a profound and transformative process aimed at developing awareness, fully experiencing emotions and feelings, and finding ways to fulfill one’s needs. In this article, we will explore the key stages of change that occur during Gestalt psychotherapy, from the initial understanding of one’s feelings to the integration of new experiences into one’s […]

Introduction to Psychotherapy

Who Needs Psychotherapy? Psychotherapy can be beneficial for virtually anyone. It is recommended for those who face various psychological challenges, such as depression, anxiety, stress, interpersonal conflicts, or relationship issues. Additionally, psychotherapy can also be valuable for individuals who want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves, improve their emotional well-being, or simply wish to […]