Психолог, гештальт терапевт та психологічний консультант.
Changes in a Person During Psychotherapy

Gestalt therapy is a profound and transformative process aimed at developing awareness, fully experiencing emotions and feelings, and finding ways to fulfill one’s needs. In this article, we will explore the key stages of change that occur during Gestalt psychotherapy, from the initial understanding of one’s feelings to the integration of new experiences into one’s life.

Awareness and Recognition of Feelings

At the initial stage of therapy, a person begins to pay attention to their emotions and feelings, which may have previously remained outside their conscious awareness. This process involves developing awareness of what is happening internally, identifying which emotions arise in response to certain events or interactions with others. Gestalt therapy helps individuals learn to identify these feelings, allowing them to express themselves freely without suppression.

Experiencing and Expressing Emotions

Once a person starts to become aware of their emotions, it is essential to learn how to experience and express them. At this stage, the client learns to understand their emotional reactions, giving themselves the right to feel anger, sadness, joy, or fear. The Gestalt therapist supports the client in a safe space, where they can explore their feelings, allowing the release of accumulated inner tension.

Awareness of Personal Needs

In the process of Gestalt therapy, a person begins to understand the specific needs behind their emotions. This is a crucial step, as we often do not realize what we truly need at a given moment. Awareness of one’s needs helps in recognizing that emotions are merely signals pointing to important aspects of our lives that require attention.

Finding Ways to Satisfy Needs

When needs become clear, the next step is finding ways to fulfill them. Within the framework of Gestalt therapy, the client develops the ability to find effective and healthy ways to satisfy their needs, aligned with their life values. This may involve changing behavior, developing new skills, or reassessing relationships with others.

Realizing Needs in the Best Way

After identifying ways to meet their needs, the client begins to practice them in real life. This stage involves taking active steps toward making life more harmonious and balanced. Gestalt therapy encourages clients to act consciously, taking responsibility for their choices and decisions.

Integration of New Experiences

The final stage of Gestalt therapy is the integration of the acquired experiences into everyday life. The person begins to see the results of their changes, realizing that they are capable of effectively meeting their needs and responding to the challenges life presents. The new experience becomes a part of their personality, rather than just a temporary change.

Gestalt therapy is a powerful tool for self-development and self-awareness. It helps individuals not only recognize their feelings and needs but also find ways to fulfill them, leading to deep and lasting changes. This process, having passed through all stages from awareness to integration, allows the client to create a more conscious, fulfilling, and satisfying life.